Wednesday, January 11, 2012

August 27, 2007

I found myself in the doctor's office about to have my heart x-rayed. The suspicion was a possible enlarged heart. As I stood there, I thought about dying and the reality that I really would not die at all but actually just transfer into the presence of God. Of course there was some fear or anxiety with the thought of dying, but I have to admit there was a little excitement. I thought about who I was going to see. I would see the very God/man, JESUS, who walked the earth. He would be as Thomas had seen him. I would be able to see those very real scars in his hands myself. This is the reality and promise of the resurrection. We will leave these bodies down here for a while and will be reunited with them later. But I will still be aware of my surroundings. I will never really die. For a moment I did not fear death because of the hope of him waiting on the other side. This must have been somewhat like what Stephen experienced as he saw Christ sitting at the right hand of God while being stoned. I did not see anything, but had the assurance of victory over death.