Monday, December 10, 2012

November 19, 2007

The difference between a theist and atheist is, the latter ascribes awe to the universe's effects,  while the former ascribes awe to the personality behind the effects.  

October 18, 2007

I am a metaphor by my representation of the God who created me.  A metaphor is not exactly the same as what it represents.  I have the ability to love and so does my God.  I have the ability to show and desire justice for the poor.  My God desires justice for the poor.  However, I am not able to perfectly love as my God can.  Justice in our society is not based on a perfect absolute.  Our love for people closest to us is based on conditions no matter how deep our love.  So being a metaphor means I represent a reality other than what I am.  Yes, I exist, but I only exist as a representative of the God who is perfect in ways I only reflect metaphorically.

October 16, 2007

Last night PBS and Nova had a show on the incredible body.  The subject was the heart and the transplanting of hearts, which is called harvesting, and all that pertains to why people have heart transplants.

They showed a medical team, called the harvest team because they get the donated organ and bring it to the receiver.  I found it fascinating all the expense and undertakings spent on harvesting a heart from a car accident victim on the other side of the country.  

The team work was incredible, how just as the heart arrived to the receiver, the patient was ready to be implanted with the heart.  When they put the heart in, it had to be jump-started with an electronic shock because once the heart stopped, it can't beat on its own.  The heart, once cut from the donor, will not be any good after 4 hours.  It is put on ice and transported across the country and placed in the transplantee with just enough time to spare.

How interesting it was to watch all this fuss over an organ which cannot live outside the human body, and yet a fetus can live outside the body.  The fetus is called an "organ" and yet is not attributed with life.  A heart is an organ and it gets special treatment for its capacity to sustain life.  A fetus is life into itself living, and is not granted the special treatment of a heart.  Maybe we should start having harvesting life from the womb on donor cards.  We go to great lengths to harvest organs for those who are dying, and yet we cannot see the value in life becoming.